Fundraising Checkup

Material Review and Pitch Practice 

You’re about to start fundraising, but you want a review of your fundraising materials and test your pitch before facing investors?


  1. Pitch Deck and Data Room Submission: Send me your pitch deck/presentation and, if available, your data room. This is the foundation of my review process.
  2. Research and Analysis: I will dedicate 4-6 hours to review your materials and conduct independent research on your market and business opportunity.
  3. Pitch Practice Session: Then we’ll have a 90-minute live session during which you will present your pitch, conduct a product demo and answer questions, mirroring a typical venture capital pitch scenario.
  4. Comprehensive Report: Post-session, I will write a detailed report on both your fundraising materials and your pitch session.
  5. Debrief and Q&A Session: After you receive my report, we’ll have a one-hour live meeting to debrief the report and address any questions you might have.


  • The entire process is typically completed within four to ten days.

Benefits for founders

  • Get an external and neutral review your fundraising materials.
  • Practice your pitch and product demo in a realistic setting.
  • Receive a comprehensive report before you start fundraising.
  • Ask any questions you might have regarding the fundraising process.


  • 1500€ excluding tax.

For which types of startups:

  • B2B software startups. I do not conduct sessions for ecommerce, consumer or crypto startups.
  • For pre-seed, seed or early series A rounds.


Get in touch with me at