
Workstreams are missions where I work directly with founders or employees to solve specific challenges.


  • 1-Issue Definition: We discuss the issues you’re facing and define precisely the challenges that we can work on and which will become our “workstream”.
  • 2-Action Plan Creation: I propose solutions to address these problems, and we agree on an action plan to execute them.
  • 3-Action Plan Execution: Two approaches are possible:
    • Lightweight Execution: I review and discuss progress with you on a weekly basis.
    • Hands-on Execution: In a more hands-on approach I assist operationally in executing the plan.
  • 4-Weekly Meetings: We meet online on a weekly basis for 30-60 minutes to review progress and address any challenges.

Duration of Workstream missions:

  • The length of each mission depends on the complexity of the issues to solve.
  • Missions can be short-term, lasting 1-2 weeks, or extend over several months.

Examples of past Workstream missions:

  • Go-to-Market Roadmap: I assisted early-stage SaaS founders, who had reached $10k-$20k MRR, in roadmapping their path to $100k MRR. This included developing an initial marketing and sales plan, as well as defining the necessary employee profiles and resources.
  • Customer discovery: I collaborated with early-stage founders (pre-revenue) on customer discovery sessions to identify customer pain points and determine the product scope needed to address them.
  • KPI and reporting setup: I helped early-stage SaaS founders ($10k-$20k MRR) create their first reporting effort by selecting relevant metrics and establishing processes to collect and report them.

Interested? Contact me: